Skin Essentials 101
Everyone wants that perfect, smooth and evenly toned skin, but many of us have blemishes, spots, and discoloration. This may involve redness, dark spots, acne scars, age spots, or damage from the sun, which results in undesired discoloration on the skin.
Discoloration on the skin can be temporary or permanent, it can be caused by different factors such as:
skin infections
sun burn
fungal infections
There are options and a variety of remedies that may help with discoloration/hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation is used to describe a discoloration of the skin, usually darkening.
occur in blotches/patches
cover face
occur anywhere on the body
There are many types of hyperpigmentation most commonly melasma.
Melanin is a dark substance in the skin, eyes, and hair of people and animals, which gives them color and can protect them against strong sunlight. It protects skin from harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun.
Are there products that can lighten the skin?
There are some products that can temporarily reduce melanin production such as topical creams, serums, and ointments. They work by inhibiting the enzyme produces melanin. Many of these skin lightening products are available by prescription or over the counter. Many of these will contain some of the following ingredients:
Kojic acid
Sepi White
Vitamin C
Glycolic acid
Azelaic acid
Most of these ingredients slow down melanin production and results in lighter skin.
However, skin lightening products are known for causing side effects like:
It is very important to know that skin lightening does not happen overnight or immediately, it should happen over time. Allow 30-90 days to see most noticeable results. There may be several factors relating to the product's effectiveness on the affected area such as degree of injury, trauma, or infection. Other factors may include product type and strength of active ingredient. There may also be concerns of interactions when used with other product brands that may lower its effectiveness. Be sure to allow time to see visible results. Other immediate results may be a sign of smoothing, improvement of texture, peeling skin (exfoliation) due to dead skin removal, revealing new layers of skin and keep in mind when starting new skincare product, you may also experience reactions such as skin tingling, slight irritation, or purging which are temporary.
Natural remedies
Some natural remedies can help lighten the skin. It’s not clear how long these remedies take to work, so it’s important to be patient if you decide to try them. Additionally, they’re all temporary, so you’ll need to continue using them routinely.
Green tea
Green tea has a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). A 2015 study Trusted Source found that EGCG can prevent melanin accumulation. It works by inhibiting an enzyme needed to make melanin.
According to a 2012 study in Phytotherapy Research Trusted Source, the active compound in turmeric may reduce melanin synthesis. This compound, called curcumin, works by inhibiting tyrosinase. This suppresses the ability of melanocytes to create more melanin.
In some cases, you’ll need to see a healthcare provider or skin care specialist. If you’re experiencing any blemishes or unevenness that may be caused by an underlying condition, make an appointment right away.
These conditions include:
moles or blemishes that could be skin cancer
severe acne that isn’t responding to home treatment
If home remedies haven’t been working for you after 1 month, and you want to see more results, make an appointment with your healthcare provider or skin care specialist. They’ll likely be able to help.